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Lead us not into temptation.

Welcome to the faith-based content from Smart Families. Below, you will find the Be Not Afraid newsletter, a monthly spiritual resource that aligns with Christian values and upholds our God-given dignity.

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All technologies can be used for good and for evil, the question is, “What about the current state of mobile internet makes us think it’s being used for good?”   If you can “tell a tree by its fruit”, then smartphones are an addiction, loneliness, and depression machine.

We know our norms resonate well with Christians.  It seems obvious to a Christian that the more authentically human we live our lives, the more content we will be.   We were designed by God to be a human species that physiologically develops a certain way.  We have even been divinized as a species by Christ’s incarnation, which is why Christians have such a strong belief in our innate human dignity.  Christian values like humility, self-sacrifice, and even acknowledging evil exists are less prevalent as our culture gets more hedonistic and inwardly focused.  It is no surprise to a Christian that inauthentic connection leads to the loneliness and depression we see today.

We will be circulating monthly content to our private Christian schools and churches that lay out the moral imperative to take action on this issue to protect not just our children’s health but the souls of all members of the family.   These newsletters are also available here on the website below for everyone to read.  We will also be posting weekly (10-15 min) devotionals every Friday through our Social Media that can be used together as a family or as an individual to reaffirm your family’s countercultural decisions. 



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2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR

Be Not Afraid

The Need for Christian Community

There is an ache in every human heart to love and be loved. We are wired for community, and there isn't a moment in our lives when we aren't forming and deepening relationships. We have the bonds within our families, the friendships we've developed with others, and the cultivation of our love for God in prayer, which is the fulfillment of our desire. As St. Augustine states, "Our hearts are restless until they rest in thee." 

Technology has brought many good things to the world, especially in the form of communication. We can talk with family and friends from all over the world. We can even care for and support communities in other countries with just a click of a button. While technology is a tool that can deepen our relationship with God and others, too often, it has the opposite effect. 

Be Not Afraid

Overconnectedness and God's Whisper

As Christians, prayer is the source of faith.  It is the lifeblood of our souls, nourished by the Word of God.  Smartphone and social media use is directly attacking our prayer life and our relationship with God.  Technology has stolen the two most important things we can offer God, our time and attention.  Boredom should be an invitation to turn to God in prayer, instead we quickly turn to our phones to be entertained.  God isn't going to follow you on social media; He wants you to come to Him in prayer.  He desires a real connection and it takes time to cultivate that relationship

Be Not Afraid

Family Manger Scene

The story of the first Christmas is one of the most profound in the history of humanity. Yet, at the core, it is a beautiful story about one very special family.


"Christ is seeking a room, not just a physical space to be born into but into our own hearts and with the lives of our family."


In this issue, read about how the recreation of manger scene began and how to engage family during the advent season. 

Be Not Afraid

Addiction and God's saving grace

No parent wants their child to be uncontrollably addicted to a substance or device.

In today's competitive world, parents face immense pressure to keep up. However, our children are blessed to have loving parents and supportive schools and churches. So let’s take a deep breath and be mindful when exposing our children to technology and screens, as physiological addiction is a preventable outcome that can derail even the best-laid plans.

“For I take delight in the law of God, in my inner self, but I see in my members another principle at war with the law of my mind, taking me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members.” - Romans 7:22-23

Be Not Afraid

Evil exists

At Smart Families we spend a lot of time educating families about the dangers of manipulative uses of technology and how the outcomes of this disordered human nature leads to so many problems in our own lives and especially the lives of our children before their brains mature. We also believe there is a moral imperative that few are willing to say.

“Be sober and vigilant. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5: 8

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